Today is an interesting day for me. I am used to running around like the metaphorical headless chicken, but the students I tutor are on their junior and senior trips, my accountability partner that I normally meet for lunch is sick (hope you feel better soon, sarah!), and I've finally caught up on most of my schoolwork. I don't quite know what to do with myself. This morning, knowing I had plenty of time in the afternoon to get my couple of assignments completed, I decided to read the last few chapters of So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore. She is an amazing author! Sarah and I have gone through two of her books, and both have been so motivational--they make you feel like taking on your issues and the issues of the world and making a difference!! I highly recommend this book to any girl who is struggling with insecurity of any kind. It is shocking to realize how much we let our fears drive our actions. This book has reminded me that I have God-given (not condition-dependent) security! Here are a few of my favorite quotes from the book:
- When we allow God's truth to eclipse every false positive and let our eyes spring open to the treasure we have, there in His glorious reflection we'll also see the treasure we are (43)
- God is thoroughly committed to finishing the masterpiece he started in us (Philippians 1:6), and that process means one major thing: change (80)
- [God] knows we have the capacity to be astoundingly extraordinary, and not just in spite of where we've been, but because of it (143)
- We can change the way we think, which will change the way we act. And as we change the way we act, the way we feel also begins to change...thank God we don't have to wait until we feel more secure to start acting more secure (241)
- Call me an optimist, but I have to believe that security could be just as contagious [as its counterpart] (278)
- Anybody can be like everybody else. Only those who are exceptional choose to believe the possible over the probable. You, beloved, were created to be exceptional (291)
- We need to be ready to discern the difference between the truth and a lie, especially when the lie is proclaimed at high volume while the truth is only whispered through a still, small voice (297)
- To find yourself, your true, secure self, you must lose yourself in something larger (310)
- Believe that [God] loves you and has you covered and takes every one of your hits as if they were aimed at His own skin (320)
- In order to plant our feet on solid ground, we can drop the conditions off of our trust and determine that God will take care of us no matter what (325)
- In the light of [God's] presence, I am so glad to be a woman and feel oddly adept at it even in a world gone mad (341)