

My wonderful sister-in-law recommended the book Anything by Jennie Allen to me, and I am so thankful!  In this book, Jennie talks about how she and her husband, Zac, came to a place in their faith and their life where they decided that they were done with their safe way of doing things...they were willing to do anything for God.  Anything.

Think about it.  That is pretty scary, and absolutely amazing.

The book is so inspiring.  It calls us to step out of our comfort zones and to move beyond our pat answers and "reliance" on God...and to move to a place where we have nothing to hold onto except for God.  For some of the people that prayed this prayer with Jennie and Zac, anything looked like adoption.  For some, it looked like a career change.  For others, it looked like using where God already has them to impact those around them.  But for all of them, their lives were changed.  Irrevocably.  Beautifully.  Dangerously.

This book calls you to live a dangerous life, to reject normal, and to live for the bigness that each of us has inside of our souls.  We are made to be adventurers.  And the greatest adventure possible starts with us agreeing to do ANYTHING God calls us to do.

I highly recommend this book!!!!!!

You can also head to her website here to learn more about Jennie and her journey to giving God anything.

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