
The Final Stretch...Can I Make It?

Life is SO crazy right now.  Mikey is always busy with the church for Genesis or the Link or the Christmas Eve service, plus his other job.  And my work suddenly decided to schedule a million birthdays for me to do on Sundays when we haven't had any in forever!!  Besides that, I feel like all I've been doing is studying or thinking "I should be studying instead of..." haha.  But it will all be worth it when finals are done in the next week and a half.  I've adopted the strategy of studying as I go because most of my exams are pretty spread out, so when I finish my first two on Wednesday (Organic Chem and Western Civ on the same day! eek!), then I'll worry about my next two on Saturday, etc.  I'm trying not to stress because I know my stuff pretty well and have done alright all year, but I've accepted by now that it is simply in my nature to worry and to work REALLY REALLY hard.  So here I am, taking a brief break from studying to blog out my frustrations, and soon I'll be hitting the books again.  All in all, I am MUCH calmer than I've ever been with so much to do...plus trying to figure out my future.  I think I've decided to get EMT certified this summer and put off med school for another year.  I'll still graduate early, but just a semester, not a whole year, so I can keep my scholarships and take random classes like biochem and anatomy/physiology that are supposed to be good before med school...we'll see.  And besides all of these plans, I've got work and an awesome husband, family, and friends that I want and need to spend time with!  So I'll get back to studying for now, and try to live in the moment later and not worry about the tests looming over my head until Christmas break finally arrives.

1 comment:

The Baurs said...

"Blog out my frustrations" lol. I like that phrase. Well good luck with all the studying! We need to have a billion-bajillion game nights over Christmas break with no lingering thoughts of homework the whole time!!! :) (We need to have team spaghetti again too!) LOL.