
Double Good News

It's finally here! This afternoon, I finished my last two finals for this semester at CofC, and life is feeling GOOOOOOD! :) It is so wonderful to be able to take a few deep breaths and enjoy some rest, but I'm sure within a couple of days, I'll start feeling antsy and looking for things to do!

My other new big news, which is actually way BIGGER than just finishing my semester, is that one of my best friends just got engaged! I met Rabun my freshman year at Clemson. We were in the same pi chi group for rush, and we lived on the same hall. AND she's from Hanahan, right near where I live, so I get to see her on visits to Clemson and when she comes home! It has been amazing to have her around more, and I am so so so excited for her and her fiance Cameron!!! They have been dating since high school, and Cameron proposed on Saturday...downtown...and coffee (rabun's fave) was involved :) The wedding date is set for sometime in May 2011, right after graduation. I feel amazingly blessed to be a bridesmaid, and I can't wait to start helping with some shopping and planning!!! :) Love you, Rabun!

1 comment:

Rabun said...

oh my gosh girl I just saw this! YAY for you being finished for the semester and YYYYYAAAAAYYYY for me being engaged (it still doesn't seem real yet :)

love you!