
Turkey Outreach!

Today was Northwood's Turkey Outreach. We ended up with 1,920 boxes of food and turkeys to pass out to families in need! Yesterday, all of the boxes were packed up by some dedicated volunteers. And today, Mikey and I got to help pass out the boxes and their accompanying turkeys, along with tons of other volunteers, including Chad, Melissa, and Mel's parents! We had a great time, and the recipients were so grateful. One man that we talked to for a while told us that he didn't know where his dinner that evening was coming from even, and he was very blessed by the food! He helped to point out other families in his neighborhood that likely really needed food. Beyond the food we, and other groups, passed out to neighborhoods, many families called the church to sign up for a turkey dinner, and there was a station set up for those families to come and pick up their food! It was an amazing blessing to get to help these people. It is amazing how easy it is to reach out and help people in need right around us...making the decision to get started is the hardest part.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so true! and glad it went so well!