Sonic has the best sodas...ever.
They are my saving grace on days when I need an extra dose of caffeine.
And the ice is SO GOOD...a soda connoisseur such as myself would know.
Thank you, Route 44 coke, for being you.
Who knew you could develop deformed corneas in such a short time period?
My trip to the eye doctor revealed that I have...
severe corneal decompensation.
My cornea cells have been dying, so I have giant cells trying to cover the area of 4-6 normal cells.
Apparently, this is not good.
I have an appointment with a corneal specialist this afternoon.
I am a little nervous, but trying to stay calm and just wait for a more definitive analysis.
Prayers would be most welcome!!
Toyota has wifi. Thank goodness.
Otherwise, I would not be able to post this lovely miscellany as I wait for my car
to get it's oil changed.
That also means I can be productive while I wait,
so it does not seem so bad. This is awesome!
I have to thank Carissa, who hosts Miscellany Monday,
for my awesome necklace that I won in her giveaway!!
The results were announced in her miscellany today,
along with some other lovely tidbits. Take a look!
what's new with you?
I agree that Sonic has the best ice~ I'm a Cherry-Limeade girl, myself, but love that place all around! 'Will pray too, for the eye appointment. Anything having to do with eyes freaks me out, but God knows what's going on, and I'll pray that it's easily solved!
Oh, and I posted a reply on my blog, but I would totally recommend 'Remember Me'. The ending wasn't good or bad necessarily, just shocking. (I don't want to give too much away...)
Have a great Monday!
Hi! A new friend and follower here. I am a HUGE sonic fan too, but sadly, I have to drive 40 miles out of my way to taste the goodness. Looking forward to more of your posts!
You can find me at www.beesonbeat.blogspot.com
praying for your eye! and that's too cool about toyota having wi-fi AND your giveaway win! :]
Congratulations on your beautiful new necklace!!!! Thanks for stopping by Windy Poplars today and for saying hello! You're so funny about the Frisbee golf! It's one of those games though, that: even if you're not very good, you can still enjoy the fellowship and the outdoors! Will be praying for your eye. Please keep me updated on how things go! Happy Monday to you...
sonic is the best. But I go with the cherry limeades everytime. you are in my prayers and congrats on the necklace. So cool! :)
Oh gosh I love sonic. Seriously. Mmm.
Congrats on winning the giveaway!
And I'm praying for you.
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