

So...I'm a little late in joining in on the fun, but it's been so crazy lately around here that this is the first chance I've gotten to sit down and blog!


In one word or phrase TENACITY! (my new favorite characteristic word...I've worked it into multiple applications :D)

I'm dreaming of you Roca Blanca, Mexico. Only six days left until I am wading on your sunny shores and hanging out with your peeps!

Song on repeat "warrior" by Sojourn...love. it. so. much.

Gotta write it down:
The world is a much richer place becase of bold, fearless risk-takers...who find their holy discontent and then feed it, who lean into it even when it gets tough, and who work tirelessly to make tomorrow better than today
pg 95 Bill Hybels "Holy Discontent"

Lesson learned from this morning's sermon:
Not everyone who dumps manure on you is an enemy,
not everyone who digs you out is a friend,
and when you're in a pile of manure, keep your mouth shut.

you're welcome :)

Picture to frame

HighlightS of the week

  1. Mikey's softball team being the church league champs after winning their last game! (see picture above)
  2. Coming home yesterday to find my dog's nose barely peaking out from between three pillows. It reminded me of when I came home last week to find him buried under the pillows on the bed INSIDE Mikey's pillowcase!!
  3. Getting an interview for a job I've been wanting for a long, long time! It's just an interview, but it's so much better than nothing!!

Weekend to do list Sunday might be a little too late for this one... :)


1 comment:

Cole Franke said...

great lesson learned & write it down. I think I'll copy that too. hope you're having a great weekend.